Embracing messy crafting

Hi & Happy Day! Stenciling is all the rage in card making techniques today. I’ve been obsessed with this neon or fluorescent texture paste from Vicki Boutin (link here). I found this paste at my local Joann store. I’ve been…
Hi & Happy Day! Stenciling is all the rage in card making techniques today. I’ve been obsessed with this neon or fluorescent texture paste from Vicki Boutin (link here). I found this paste at my local Joann store. I’ve been…
Well. More like, “Stop and see me. Now. Take me in with your senses.” A gladiolus patch called out to me. Not quite audibly or olfactibly, but strongly beckoning nonetheless. Made me reverse course (burned a U-ie) to stop and…
4:57am MST. Yup. I finally saw my first shooting star! While gorgeous, it was kinda scary. It seemed large enough to produce a boom or tremor on impact, but . . . none. After Googling “what does a shooting star…
Beautiful Day! Such an amazing fragrance drew us in, made us look . . . all the little details of the blooms, branches, leaves, sky. Bees loving it all, too. Colors & perfumes of nature never cease to inspire and amaze. Happy wishes…
Now a set of 4 greeting cards, this khaki green cardstock was part of packing material in boxes of books. It typically piles up in stacks with a few other colors until it either gets donated or tossed into a recycling bin. I’m certainly a…
Had to follow up my last post with something cute & creative. Love this box shape & feel! Inspired by Sam Always in awe of her & thankful as can be. Here in the now and grateful for today. Enjoy.